Some people looking for funny pictures on the Internet don’t feel amused as they find ones. Others who aren’t, oftentimes, only come across, get distracted and entertained.
Funny pictures are not tickling in the eye of the blind. To them the pictures are not telling something which meets with their interests. You know, the blind here are not those who have poor eyesight, but those who don’t know how to understand or enjoy whether a picture is funny or not. However, a kind of blindness is too subjective to stress up.
The blind can be you and I including those who happen to have imaginative talent. Nothing can satisfy all.
What makes funny pictures look dull not merely due to the tendency of the illustrator to imitate an image so there’s no sense of originality shown, but it exactly comes from the sense and the mood of viewers themselves. There’s no wit apparently to get along with.
Funny pictures should be appearing as appealing as public figures as to how to make viewers easily distracted visually. The one to create them, should be able to tickle everybody’s fancy. He doesn’t have to be prophetic who can visualize the society in the next few decades.
Just like this one. He doesn't think it is funny that you see him make fun of you
Finding funny pictures are easy on the Internet. Funny pictures are fantasies which are more exciting in life and free to enjoy. There’s a lot of creativity displayed on blogs and sites using funny pictures to make people read the contents.
Again, it is a different question as to know whether viewers amused nor not.